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Be goodโ„ข๏ธ.

TODO: more info

Development + Contributing: Getting Started


  • bash
    • On Windows, you can get this via cygwin or git (which also installs cygwin)
  • Recommended: Volta
  • yarn@1
  • Node@16


git clone
cd dbux
code dbux.code-workspace # open project in vscode
yarn install && yarn i # install dependencies

Finally, you might want to enable Dbux auto start by default:


If dependencies bug out, sometimes running the (very aggressive) clean-up command can help: npm run dbux-reinstall. Of course, we don't recommend this, unless absolutely necessary. It will delete your yarn.lock file, which can lead to installation of package versions that have breaking changes in them, potentially introducing even more problems.

Start Development

  1. Open project + start build+watch mode
    code dbux.code-workspace # open project in VSCode
    yarn start # start webpack development build of all projects in watch mode
  2. Go to your VSCode debug tab, select the dbux-code configuration and press F5. This runs the Dbux VSCode Extension in debug mode.
  3. Inside the new window, you can then use Dbux VSCode Extension as usual (but in debug mode).

Contribute to Docs

We use docusaurus for documentation.

  1. Follow the Setup steps.
  2. Run code dbux.code-workspace to open the Dbux project in VSCode
  3. You can find all docs in the docs_site folder. The docs_site/content folder houses most of the content source.
  4. Run yarn docs to build + serve the docs locally (in watch mode), and test your changes.
  5. Once you are done: run yarn docs:build (which does a few more pre-deployment checks)
  6. If yarn build succeeds, feel free to send out a PR.

Build + Deploy docs

Inside of the docs_site folder:

  • yarn build
    • -> Make sure, there are no build problems.
  • yarn serve
    • This serves the production build locally to allow you manually test and check whether the documentation site works correctly.
    • You especially want to do this when introducing new complex logic or components.
  • yarn deploy
    • Make the changes go live.

Joining the Community

While you can certainly try to get started on your own, you probably make your life a lot easier by join the dev team on Discord first :)

Use Dbux Dev Build on Local Projects

When you want to debug a local project with a local Dbux dev build, we recommend using yalc:

  • Make sure you have compatible npm and/or yarn versions, as explained here.
  • In your local Dbux folder:
    • run yarn yalc
  • Inside your target project folder:
    • yalc add --dev @dbux/babel-plugin @dbux/runtime @dbux/cli @dbux/common @dbux/common-node @dbux/babel-register-fork
    • Add to .gitignore:
  • NOTE: Sometimes (but rarely), the build cache needs to be flushed.
    • E.g. when using webpack and babel: rm -rf ./node_modules/.cache/babel-loader

This will not work (smoothly) with yarn@1.

While generally linking the local dev build using yalc works, it will not be able to install dependencies, and in general, yarn add and yarn install will always fail from now on, if you use yarn@1. This is a well-known bug that was fixed for yarn@>=2.

Hackfix workaround for yarn@1:

  • After yalc add...:
    • (If you use yarn workspaces: remove linkage to other workspace packages.)
    • Use npm install once, then remove package-lock.json.
    • (Bring back other workspace packages if needed.)
    • If you use webpack or other bundlers, make sure, .yalc folder is in your resolve.modules (or other bundler's equivalent).
  • Whenever you need to change things with yarn add/remove, first remove yalc packages, then bring them back:
    yalc remove --all
    yalc add ...

PROBLEM: (one of many) since npm install ignores your yarn.lock, and also might undo (some) deduplication, your dependencies might get real messy real fast. That is especially due to libraries often not following the convention of only introducing breaking changes with major releases. Meaning that all libraries that were added with (usual default of) caret (^) can potentially break due to this.

More References

Test the Production Build

Before submitting a PR, make sure to test it in prod as well. This is important, especially if your changes are related to the parts of Dbux that juggle projects, file paths and/or system dependencies:

  1. Start production build (in watch mode): yarn start:prod
    • IMPORTANT: Make sure only one build/watch mode is running at the same time.
  2. Install (and re-install) local build locally: yarn code:install
    • Uninstall: yarn code:uninstall
  3. Incremental update: yarn code:copy, then Reload Window (VSCode command)
    • NOTE: This copies all built .js files to the installed extension folder.
    • NOTE2: This is to save yourself time. You don't want to re-install the extension every time you make a change.


If you have deployment privileges:

  • Build production build and publish to npm and VSCode Marketplace: yarn marketplace
    • IMPORTANT: again, make sure, only one build/watch mode is running at the same time.
    • yarn pub if you only want to publish to npm (not the marketplace)

More Unsorted Notes

Adding dependencies

We use Lerna with Yarn workspaces, so if you need to install a new package, instead of npm install pkg, we do the following:

  • Adding pkg to @dbux/something (where dbux-something is the folder containing the package @dbux/something): npx lerna add --scope=@dbux/something pkgnpx lerna add --scope=@dbux/common pkgnpx lerna add --scope=dbux-code pkg # note: dbux-code's package name has a dash (-), not a slash (/)!
  • Adding pkg to the root's devDependencies: yarn add --dev -W pkg

VSCode extension development

This section holds a few basics of VSCode extension development.

Adding a command/button

NOTE: VSCode's buttons are representation of commands, you must add a command before adding a button.

  1. Register command in contributes.commands section of package.json as following(title and icon are optional):

    "commands": [
    "command": "<COMMAND_ID>",
    "title": "<TITLE>",
    "icon": {
    "light": "<PATH_TO_YOUR_ICON>",
    "dark": "<PATH_TO_YOUR_ICON>"
  2. Bind the command with a callback function in js file:

    import { registerCommand } from './commands/commandUtil';
    registerCommand(context, '<COMMAND_ID>', callback);
  3. Depends on whether the command should be shown in command palette, add the following to contributes.menus.commandPalette section in package.json: Show command in command palette (use "when": "!dbux.context.activated" instead if you want show it before dbux has been activated)

    "commantPalette": [
    "command": "<COMMAND_ID>",
    "when": "dbux.context.activated"

    Hide command from command palette

    "commantPalette": [
    "command": "<COMMAND_ID>",
    "when": "false"
  4. Finally, configure where the button should be shown (skip this step if you don't want a button): To show button in...

    • navigation bar(upper-right corner), add the following to contributes.menus.editor/title
    "editor/title": [
    "command": "<COMMAND_ID>",
    "when": "dbux.context.activated",
    "group": "navigation"
    • tree view title, add the following to contributes.menus.view/title ( <VIEW_ID> is defined in contributes.views.dbuxViewContainer section)
    "view/title": [
    "command": "<COMMAND_ID>",
    "when": "view == <VIEW_ID>",
    "group": "navigation"
    • tree view item, add the following to contributes.menus.view/item/context ( <VIEW_ID> is defined in contributes.views.dbuxViewContainer section and <NODE_CONTEXT_ID> is defined programmatically in TreeItem.contextValue )
    "view/item/context": [
    "command": "<COMMAND_ID>",
    "when": "view == <VIEW_ID> && viewItem == <NODE_CONTEXT_ID>",
    "group": "inline"
  5. Some more Notes:

    • You can sort buttons by adding suffix @<number> to group property. e.g. "group": "inline@5"
    • If you remove "group": "navigation", the button will be listed in a dropdown menu, see Sorting of groups for more information
    • The when property defines when should the button be visible, see 'when' clause contexts for more available condition

How to use Dbux on Dbux?

TODO: we have not fully added support for this yet.